The review process is over and the accepted papers are going to print at the IEEE Society Press now.
Some authors asked how long the presentation their paper should be. As an author of a full paper you will have about 20 minutes, including introduction by the session chair and the following discussion.
We will provide support for authors who want to show a video in VHS-PAL and VHS-NTSC format. Please note: There will be no possibility to show S-VHS videos.
Detailed information about the papers and their day and time in the conference schedule can be found at the Program Page.
The vendor sessions will be held on
thursday, parallel to the regular
conference sessions.
Turning Data Into Visual Information Solutions Frank Haeger, Advanced Visual Systems GmbH |
Advanced Visual Systems is the leading provider of visual information solutions worldwide. The traditional packages Gsharp, AVS and AVS/Express serve as the basis for developing visualization applications. Our technology includes (among other things) an interface to relational databases as well as ODBC. Analysts dealing with the challenging task of building complex information incorporating huge spatial databases get the benefit from AVS through the combination of spatial data-management and -visualization provided by the Spatial Data Interface. Future releases of AVS Software will incorporate the latest developments of the worldwide standards D/COM, JAVA und CORBA. Distributed visualization, development of web based applications and dynamical application management by usage of run-time components are just three advantages of our technology. |
Virtual Reality in Architecture From the first draft to the finished plans using Arcon Jürgen Reimann, mb Software AG |
With the ArCon concept for visual architecture, mbSoftware AG has developed a software which far outstrips the performance of standard CAD systems. By means of an innovative objectively designed programme concept, based on state-of-the-art graphic representation technology, ArCon is light years ahead of old-fashioned "line-drawings". Planning and construction is made considerably easier for the user, and results are obtained more rapidly. The insertion of dividing walls, staircases, roofs or landscaping is reduced to a few mouse-clicks or numerical inputs, which allows Arcon to calculate the new construction elements in 3-D and portray them in a realistic form. The old division between designing and visualising is totally eliminated in ArCon. These characteristics mean that ArCon is a medium to satisfy all professional demands: the architect is now in a position to perfect his designs right up to the submission of the planning application, and can offer his clients a visual impression, which includes a video animation sequence. He can issue an estimate of costs in line with German Industrial Standard (DIN) No. 277, and cross-sections showing the importing and exporting of HPGL and DXF files are standard. Additionally, the project in hand can be exported as a VRML file. With over 3,000 pieces of furniture at his disposal, some directly supplied by the manufacturer, the interior designer can meet all requirements, and even advise on the locating of monitor screens, as ArCon can calculate the correct positions of sun and moon for any place in the world. |
Application of ICEM Surf in Press Tool Design Dr. Peter Bonitz, ICEM Systems |
Nearly all leading car manufacturers and their suppliers generate their class A surfaces (outer and inner shapes) by means of ICEM Surf. Furthermore the system can also be used very efficiently in the area of class B surface design, e.g. for inner structure design (body in white) and press tool design. In particular the new functions for the global modelling of facets and surfaces in conjunction with the deep drawing simulation software Autoform allows to determine the optimal shape of the addenda with all their draw bars and beats more quickly and economically. Practical examples will be shown. |
Graphics Solutions from Sun Dr. Manfred Kotzian, SUN |
Sun Microsystems is the leading vendor of UNIX workstations worldwide with a market share of about 40 percent. Sun's graphics workstations have the leading performance for visualization and simulation in markets like 2-D/3-D digital content creation, design automation (MCAD, MCAE, EDA), medical, earth resources (Oil, GIS), education and training. Sun is constantly pushing the performance envelope by developing leading-edge graphics technologies that make high-end graphics workstations affordable. The next step in the development of new graphics technologies is the Java 3D API. Java 3D is a platform-independent, object-oriented 3-D graphics API designed for high performance, which simplifies 3D application programming. |
Helmut Alt | Freie Universität Berlin |
Marcello Anile | University of Catania |
Franz Aurenhammer | Universität Graz |
Norman Badler | University of Pennsylvania |
Hanspeter Bieri | Universität Bern |
Stefan Brass | Universität Hannover |
Jack Bresenham | Winthrop University |
Beat Bruederlin | Technical University of Ilmenau |
Pere Brunet-Crosa | Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya |
Guido H. Brunnett | Universität Kaiserslautern |
Vijay Chandru | Indian Institute of Science |
Hyeong In Choi | Seoul National University |
Tat-Seng Chua | National University of Singapore |
Keith Clarke | University of California |
Sabine Coquillart | INRIA |
Paolo Costantini | Universita` degli Studi di Siena |
Carl deBoor | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Filip Defoort | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Wendelin L. F. Degen | Universität Stuttgart |
Albert DeKnuydt | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Stef Desmet | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Gitta Domik | Universität GH Paderborn |
Stephane Donikian | IRISA |
Debasish Dutta | University of Michigan |
Bernd Eberhardt | Universität Tuebingen |
Jose L. Encarnacao | Fraunhofer-Institut |
Thomas Ertl | Universität Erlangen |
Thomas Esser | Universität Hannover |
Bianca Falcidieno | IMA - Istituto per la Matematica Applicata |
Gerald E. Farin | Arizona State University |
Dieter Fellner | Universität Bonn |
Kurt Fleischer | Pixar |
Eddy Flerackers | Limburg University Centre |
Norbert Fuhr | Universität Dortmund |
Shigehiro Fukushima | Kyushu Institute of Design |
Thomas A. Funkhouser | Princeton University |
Andre Gagalowicz | INRIA |
Michael Garland | Carnegie Mellon University. |
Chris Georges | University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill |
Dan Goldman | Lucas Digital Ltd. |
Michael Frank Goodchild | University of California |
Gaile G. Gordon | Interval Research Corporation |
S. Gottschalk | University of North Carolina |
Günther Greiner | Universität Erlangen |
Eduard Groeller | Technical University of Vienna |
Markus Gross | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule |
Roberto Grosso | Universität Erlangen |
Hans Hagen | University of Kaiserslautern |
James K. Hahn | The George Washington University 801 |
Eric A. Haines | Autodesk, Inc. |
Bernd Hamann | University of California, Davis |
Peter Hartmann | TU Darmstadt |
Martin Held | Universität Salzburg |
Christoph M. Hoffmann | Purdue University |
Josef Hoschek | TU Darmstadt |
Chun-Yi Hu | SolidWorks Corporation |
Bernd Jaehne | Universität Heidelberg |
Robert B. Jerard | University of New Hampshire |
Huw Jones | Middlesex University |
Frederic D. Jordan | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology |
Panagiotis Kaklis | National Technical University of Athens |
Prem Kalra | Universite de Geneve |
Marinos Kavouras | National Technical University of Athens |
Myung-Soo Kim | POSTECH |
David Kirk | Integrated Computer Solutions |
Menno-Jan Kraak | ITC |
Martin Kutter | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology |
Rudy Lauwereins | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
D.T. Lee | Northwestern University |
Claus-E. Liedtke | Universität Hannover |
Udo Lipeck | Universität Hannover |
Lars Lippert | Alcatel Telecommunications |
Dani Lischinski | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
David Luebke | University of North Carolina |
Alan MacEachren | The Pennsylvania State University |
Takashi Maekawa | MIT |
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann | Universite de Geneve |
David H. Marimont | Xerox Palo Alto Research Center |
Jai Menon | IBM |
Dimitis N. Metaxas | University of Pennsylvania |
Theo Moons | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Ernst Mucke | Ansys, Inc |
Michael Muckelbauer | Universität Hannover |
Andreas Mü:ller | Technische Universität Braunschweig |
Heinrich Müller | Universität Dortmund |
Arcot Desai Narasimhalu | National University of Singapore |
Ahmad Nasri | American University of Beirut |
Isabel Navazo i Alvaro | Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya |
Wolfgang Nejdl | Universität Hannover |
Gregory M. Nielson | Arizona State University |
Wolfgang Niem | Universität Hannover |
Heinrich Niemann | Universität Erlangen |
Christos Nikolaou | University of Crete |
Hartmut Noltemeier | Universität Würzburg |
Virginia E. Ogle | University of California, Berkeley |
Nicholas M. Patrikalakis | MIT |
Joseph Pegna | Concordia University |
Jorg Peters | Purdue University |
Peter Pirsch | Universität Hannover |
Marc Pollefeys | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Karl Popp | Universität Hannover |
Helmut Pottmann | TU Wien |
Hartmut Prautzsch | Universität Karlsruhe |
Werner Purgathofer | TU Wien |
Hong Qin | State University of New York at Stony Brook |
Ralf Rabaetje | Volkswagen AG |
Ari Rappoport | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Eduard Reithmeier | Universität Hannover |
Theresa-Marie Rhyne | Lockheed Martin |
John Rice | Purdue University |
Jarek Rossignac | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Holly Rushmeier | IBM |
Malcolm Sabin | Numerical Geometry Ltd. |
Gerhard Sagerer | Universität Bielefeld |
Takis Sakkalis | University of Athens |
Nickolas Sapidis | National Technical University of Athens |
Dietmar Saupe | Universität Freiburg |
Vladimir V. Savchenko | University of Aizu |
Christophe Schlick | Universite de Bordeaux |
Peter Schröder | California Institute of Technology |
Malte Schulze | Volkswagen AG |
Larry Schumaker | Vanderbilt University |
Heidrun Schumann | Universität Rostock |
Wolfgang Seibold | University of Otago |
Hans-Peter Seidel | Universität Erlangen |
Vadim Shapiro | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Evan Sherbrooke | NewTechnologies, Inc. |
Yoshihisa Shinagawa | University of Tokyo |
Francois Sillion | iMAGIS - GRAVIR/IMAG |
Philipp Slusallek | Universität Erlangen |
Wolfgang Strasser | Universität Tuebingen |
Paul S. Strauss | Cosmo Software |
Thomas Strothotte | Otto-von-Guericke-Universität |
Gabor Szekely | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule |
Demetri Terzopoulos | University of Toronto |
Daniel Thalmann | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology |
Seamus T. Tuohy | The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory |
Georg Umlauf | Universität Karlsruhe |
Dorin Ungureanu | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Luc Van Gool | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Frank Van Reeth | Limburg University Centre |
John R. Wallace | Autodesk, Inc. |
Patrick Wambacq | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Emo Welzl | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule |
Jochen Wingbermühle | Universität Hannover |
Hans J. Wolters | Structural Dynamics Research Corp. |
Anthony C Woo | University of Washington |
John Woodwark | Information Geometers, Ltd. |
Jian Kang Wu | National University of Singapore |
Charles A. Wuethrich | Bauhaus-University of Weimar |
Geoff Wyvill | University of Otago |
Brian Wyvill | University of Calgary |
Xiuzi Ye | SolidWorks Corporation |
Borut Zalik | University of Maribor |
Sergey Zhukov | St. Petersburg State Technical University |
Michael J. Zyda | Naval Postgraduate School, Code CS/Zk |