The Conference as well as the Tutorials, Workshops and Mini Symposia on monday and tuesday, will take place in the Maritim Grand Hotel Hannover, directly opposite the City Hall.
Monday, June 22nd | |
9:00-17:15 | Tutorials |
Tuesday, June 23rd | |
9:00-17:15 | Mini Symposia + Tutorial |
20:30-22:30 | Film and Video Show Films and Videoclips from the Film Festival of the Computer Animation '98 |
Wednesday, June 24th | |
9:00-18:00 | Paper Sessions and Invited Lectures |
9:00-18:00 | Industrial Exhibition |
20:00-22:00 | Reception |
Thursday, June 25th | |
9:00-17:50 | Paper Sessions and Invited Lectures |
9:00-18:00 | Industrial Exhibition |
14:30-15:45 | Vendor Session I |
16:25-17:40 | Vendor Session II |
19:30-22:30 | Townhall Reception followed by Conference Dinner |
Friday, June 26th | |
9:00-17:50 | Paper Sessions and Invited Lectures |
9:00-18:00 | Industrial Exhibition |
Monday |
, June 22nd 1998 - Tutorials |
The merging of the recent developments in Virtual Reality, Human
Animation and Video Analysis techniques has led to new fields of
research: the integration of Virtual Humans in Virtual reality, the
interaction of the participant with these virtual humans and the
representation of the participant in the Virtual World. The objective
of the tutorial is to present the State-of-the-Art in this new areas
which will be essential for interactive entertainment and games. |
This course gives an overview over the current techniques for simplifying complex polygonal surface models. Different data structures of multiresolution models contain the 3D-object at multiple levels of detail are discussed. Viewing and lighting dependent refinement of polygonal surfaces will be covered. Furthermore, compression techniques for multiresolution representations are presented. All subjects are illustrated by different applications from CAD, GIS, VR and the Web. Life demonstrations from these applications will be given. |
VRML-97, the Virtual Reality Modeling Language, is the official ISO standard for the exchange of 3D geometry and interactive scenes on the World Wide Web. Formerly known as VRML-2.0, it supports concepts such as 3D modeling and animation as well asinteractive application design. As such it has envolved to the basics for 3D user interfaces, 3D multi-user environments, and interactive games. |
Tuesday |
, June 23rd 1998 |
9:00 | Session 1 | ||
Volume Modelling: Representations and Advanced Operations V. V. Savchenko, A. A. Pasko, A. I. Sourin, Univ. of Aizu, T. L. Kunii, Univ. of Hosei |
An ObjectOriented Approach to Model Scenes of Buildings T. Matthey, H. Bieri, Univ. of Berne, Switzerland |
Determining Visibility between Extended Objects A. Hinkenjann, H. Müller, Univ. of Dortmund |
10:45 | Session 2 | ||
Rational Quadratic Bezier Triangles on Quadrics G. Albrecht, Tech. Univ. München, Germany |
Stability Conditions for Free Form Surfaces H. Hagen, Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Germany, S. Hahmann, Univ. Joseph Fourier, France |
Adaptive Subdivision Curves and Surfaces H. Müller, R. Jaeschke, Univ. of Dortmund, Germany |
Hierarchical Decomposition of Datasets on Irregular Surface
Meshes G.P. Bonneau, A. Gerussi, Univ. Joseph Fourier, France |
14:00 | Session 3 | ||
Efficient Parallel Recursive Voxelization for SGI Challenge
Multi-processor System N. Stolte, Univ. of Kingston, A. E. Kaufmann, State Univ. of New York |
Interactive Navigation through Glial Cells J. Meyer, H. Hagen, C. Lohr, J. W. Deitmer, Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Germany |
Integrated Registration and Visualization of Medical Image Data P. Hastreiter, T. Ertl, Univ. of Erlangen- |
15:45 | Session 4 | ||
Interactive Visualization of Particle Systems Backes, Dahr, Rumpf, Univ. of Bonn |
A Data Dependent Triangulation for Vector Fields G. Scheuermann, H. Hagen, Univ. of Kaiserslautern |
A Prototype System for Light Propagation in Terrains C. Stamm, S. Eidenbenz, P. Widmayer, ETH Zürich, M. Beck, P. Stucki, Univ. of Zürich, Switzerland |
9:00 | Opening | ||
9:10 | Session 1 - Fundamentals of Geoinformation | ||
Geodetic Reference Systems for GeoSpatial Information Systems G. Seeber, Univ. of Hannover | |||
Knowledge Based Modeling and Extraction of Geo-Objects from Aerial Images C.E. Liedtke, Univ. of Hannover | |||
Open GIS W. Kuhn, Univ. of Münster, Germany |
10:45 | Session 2 - Data Modelling (Fundamentals and New Tools) | ||
3D and 4D Data Modelling L. Plümer, Univ. of Vechta |
Automated Generalization of Geoinformation - Concepts and Solutions D. Grünreich, Univ. of Hannover, Germany |
Visualizing 3D Geographical Data with VRML J. Shan, Univ. of College Gävle, Sweden |
Integration of GIS and VRML J.D. Stüwe, C. Lenz, G. Domik, Univ. of Paderborn, Germany |
Geovisualization with the Objectoriented 3D Modeling and Animation System MAM/VRS J. Doellner, K. Hinrichs, Univ. of Münster, Germany |
14:00 | Session 3: Visualization Issues | ||
Collaborative Geographic Visualization T.-M. Rhyne, Lockheed Martin / EPA Scientific Visualization Center, USA | |||
Application of Cognition Principles for Cartographic Visualization G. Buziek, Univ. of Hannover | |||
Multimedia Atlases: Online and offline applications C. Haeberling, C. Oberholzer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich |
15:50 | Session 4: Examples and Applications | ||
WebVizard: Intelligent System for Geodata Visualization and CBT in the WWW S. Goebel, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Darmstadt, Germany | |||
Using GIS to Visualize Environmental Information A. Clematis, M. DeMartino, National Research Council, Genova, Italy | |||
Interpolation and Display of Statistical Surfaces W. D. Rase, Bonn |
9:00 | Opening D.Fellner | ||
9:15 | Invited Lecture Tree visualisation and navigation clues for information visualisation I. Herman, CWI Amsterdam |
10:30 | Session 1 | ||
Generalized electronic documents D. Fellner, Univ. Bonn |
Efficient storage, compression and transmission of complex polygonal 3D models L. Kobbelt, H-P. Seidel, Univ. Erlangen |
Texture dependent refinement of multiresolution meshes R. Klein, W. Straßer, Univ. Tübingen |
14:00 | Session 2 | ||
Syntactic and semantic analysis of video sequences to support content based image retrieval O. Herzog, Univ. Bremen |
Digital Watermarking of Text, Image and Video Documents B. Girod, F. Hartung, J. Su, Univ. Erlangen |
ATLAS 2000: new techniques to preprocess, access, and visualize data for digital maps D. Saupe (Univ. Leipzig), H. Gossmann, Univ. Freiburg |
Visualizing chemical data in the Internet based on digital documents with embedded data driven and interactive graphics W-D. Ihlenfeldt, T. Ertl, Univ. Erlangen |
16:00 | Panel | ||
'Graphics and the Web' - Another buzzword or two complementary
disciplines? Current deficits? New Directions?
Panelists |
A cube lies on a flat surface. Imagine a vertical plane that passes
through the diagonal of the cube's top face. The cross-section of the
cube in this plane is a rectangle. Rotate the plane through a right
angle about the diagonal of this rectangle.
Wednesday |
, June 24th 1998 |
Conference Program | |||||||||||||
9:15 | Welcome & Opening | ||||||||||||
9:45 | Keynote Lecture Human Media Technology - The Human- J. L. Encarnação, Univ. of Darmstadt |
10:50 | Invited Lecture Virtual humans and Cyber Dance N. Magnenat- |
11:35 | Speaker from Industry Fahrenheit: A Platform for Graphics Innovation Mike Kelley, SGI |
14:00 | Session 1A: Virtual Reality | Session 1B: Raytracing | |||||||||||
Real Time Muscle Deformations using MassSpring Systems D. Thalmann, L. Nedel, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology |
Visibility as an Intrinsic Property of Geometric Models G. Elber, A. Bar-Lev, Israel Institute of Technology |
Multiresolution Triangular BSpline Surfaces A. Dreger, M. Gross, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule |
Hierachical Visibility Culling with Occlusion Trees J. Bittner, V. Havran, P. Slavik, Czech Technical Univ. |
Virtual 3D Sculpturing with a Parametric Hand Surface J.P.Y. Wong, R.W.H. Lau, Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., L. Ma Zhejiang Univ. |
Fast Approximate Quantitive Visibility for Complex Scenes Y. Chrysanthou, UCL Univ. of London, D. Cohen-Or, Tel Aviv Univ., D. Lischinski, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem |
Sculpting and Animating in a Desktop VR Environment R. Noble, Robert Gordon Univ., G. Clapworthy, De Montfort Univ. |
An AntiAliasing Method for Parallel Rendering S. Lin, R.W.H. Lau, Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., X. Lin, P.Y.S. Cheung, Univ. of Hong Kong |
15:45 |
16:25 | Session 2A: Virtual Reality | Session 2B: Modeling | |||||||||||
Interactive, Animated 3D Widgets J. Doellner, K. Hinrichs, Wilhelms Univ. Münster |
Graph Based Surface Reconstruction Using Structures in Scattered Points Sets R. Mencl, H. Müller, Univ. of Dortmund |
Virtual Worlds A Virtual Environment Architecture M. de Oliveira, J. Pereira, Univ. of Lisbon |
Incremental Techniques for Implicit Surface Modeling E. Galin, S. Akkouche, Ecole Centrale de Lyon |
Thursday |
, June 25th 1998 |
Conference Program | ||||||||||||||
9:00 | Invited Lecture Interactive Exploration of Distributed 3D Databases over the Internet J. Rossignac, Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta |
9:45 | Session 3A: CAM | Session 3B: Digital Libraries and Data Bases | ||||||||||||
Real Time Simulation & Visual. of NC Milling Processes for Inhom. Materials on Low- E. Groeller, A. König, Techn.Univ. of Vienna |
Image Retrieval in Digital Libraries Based on Symmetry Detection K. Cheung, H. Ip, City Univ. of Hong Kong |
Computational Metrology of the Circle C. Guo, APLEX, J. Pegna, Concordia Univ. Montreal |
An Architecture of a Universal DBMS for Graphics Applications A. Collison, H. Bieri, Univ. of Bern |
10:35 |
11:15 | Session 4A: Modeling | Session 4B: Geographic Information Systems |
| |||||||||||
Ridges and Ravines on Implicit Surfaces A. Belyaev, A. Pasko, Univ. of Aizu, T. Kunii, Hosei Univ. |
The Styria Flyover LoD management for huge textured DTM models M. Kofler, M. Gruber, Graz Univ. of Technology, M. Gervautz, TU Wien |
Uncertainity coding and controlled data reduction using FuzzyBSplines G. Gallo, Univ. of Catania, M. Spagnuolo, IMA Istituto per la Matematica Applicata |
3D Visualization and Exploration of Remote Sensing Data S. Growe, P. Schulze, R. Toenjes, Univ. Hannover |
Robust tesselation of trimmed rational B-Spline surface patches W. Cho, T. Maekawa, N. M. Patrikalakis, J. Peraire, MIT |
Floating Ring: A New Tool for Visualizing Distortion in Map Projections J. Brainerd, A. Pang, Univ. of California- |
14:00 | Special Lecture 3D modeling for communications L. v. Gool, Univ. of Leuven |
Special Lecture Constrained B-Spline Surface Approximation of Irregular Distributed Data - A Geometric Concept of Reverse Engineering J. Hoschek, TH Darmstadt |
14:30 | Session 5A: Graphics & Communication | Session 5B: Approximation |
| |||||||||||
Synthesis of Facial Expressions for Semantic Coding of Videophone Sequences M. Kampmann, B. Nagel, Univ. of Hannover |
Towards an Understanding of Surfaces through Polygonization W. Seibold, G. Wyvill, Univ. of Otago |
Automatic Creation of Flexible Antropomorphic Models for 3D Videoconferencing S. Weik, J. Wingbermuehle, W. Niem, Univ. of Hannover |
On Polyhedral Approximations To A Sphere D. Fox, K. Joy, Univ. of California- |
Illumination Analysis for Synthetic/ J. Stauder, Univ. Hannover |
Polyhedral approximation and first order segmentation of unstructured point sets F. Isselhard, G. Brunnett, T. Schreiber, Univ. Kaiserslautern |
15:45 |
16:25 | Session 6A: 3D Modeling of Buildings | Session 6B: Modeling | ||||||||||||
3D Modelling of Buildings using HighLevel Knowledge O. Grau, Univ. Hannover |
Varying Neighbourhood Parameters for the Computation of Normals on Surfaces in Discrete Space G. Thuermer, C. Wuethrich, Bauhaus Univ. of Weimar |
SemiAutomatic Modelling of Urban Buildings from High Resolution Aerial Imagery J. Vandekerckhove, D. Frere, T. Moons, L. Van Gool, Katholieke Univ. Leuven |
Improved triangular subdivision schemes H. Prautzsch, G. Umlauf, Univ. of Karlsruhe |
Automatic 3D Model Acquisition from Uncalibrated Image Sequences R. Koch, M. Pollefeys, L.Van Gool, Katholieke Univ. Leuven |
Efficient and Reliable Triangulation of Polygons M. Held, Univ. of Salzburg |
The Vendor Sessions will be held parallel to the regular conference sessions. The participating organisations are AVS, ICEM, mb Software and SUN. Further informations about the commercial presentations can be found on the Papers page.
Friday |
, June 26th 1998 |
Conference Program | |||||||||||
9:00 | Invited Lecture A Shape Abstraction Paradigm for Modeling Geometry and Semantics B. Falcidieno, M. Spagnuolo, Genova, Italy |
9:45 | Session 7A: Radiosity | Session 7B: Modeling | |||||||||
Random Walk Radiosity with Generalized Absorption Probabilities M. Sbert, Univ. de Girona |
Illumination dependent Refinement of Multiresolution Meshes R. Klein, A. Schilling, W. Straßer, Univ. Tübingen |
Automatic Exposure in Computer Graphics Based on the Minimum Information Loss Principle L. Neumann, K. Matkovic, W. Purgathofer, TU Wien |
Geometric- and Parametric-Tolerance Constraints in Variational Design of Multiresolution Curves and Surfaces S. Takahashi, Gunma Univ. |
10:35 |
11:15 | Session 8: Visualization and Rendering | ||||||||||
Visualization of Fluid Displacement in Porous Media L. Fedenczuk, B. Wyvill, Univ. of Calgary |
Deformable Surfaces for Feature Based Indirect Volume Rendering C. Lürig, L. Kobbelt, T. Ertl, Univ. Erlangen |
Hierarchical 3D Meshes for Volume Data Visualization R. Grosso, G. Greiner, Univ. Erlangen |
14:00 | Session 9: Virtual Reality | ||||||||||
THIN vs. FAT Visualization clients M. Jern, Advanced Visual Systems | |||||||||||
Virtual Reality New Methods for Improving and Accelerating the Development process in Vehicle Style F. Purschke, M. Schulze, P. Zimmermann, VW | |||||||||||
14:40 | Closing |