Next important date:
| June 22-26, 1998 |
- 11. August - We made some nice pictures during the conference. A small
collection can be seen on our new
- 15. June - The Online Registration is closed now. Until now 166 people have
registered. If you have not registered yet
you have to do so at the conference desk.
- 11. June - The Hotel in Herrenhausen is booked out.
Please take a look at the
Hotel page for further information.
- 11. June - There has been a change in the conference schedule.
Check the Program page for
- 9. June - From now on online registration is only possible with
payement cash money at the conference desk. People who do not
register electronicaly or by fax but do the full registration at
the conference desk may not get a conference ticket anymore because
of timing problems.
- 5. June - To all authors that want to show a video presentation:
We will provide support to show a video in
VHS-PAL and VHS-NTSC format.Please note: There will
be no possibility to show S-VHS videos.
- 3. June - We included an online version of the network plan for
the üstra, the local transport system. See the
Tourist Information
page for further details.
- 2. June - Informations about the
Vendor Sessions are now available.
- 27. May - Unfortunately Prof. Fomenko will be unable to come to the
conference. We are therefore very grateful that Prof. Josef
Hoschek has agreed to hold a lecture about
"Constrained B-Spline Surface Approximation of Irregular
Distributed Data". See the
Program page for further details.
- 20. May - The Who is Who
page is public now.
- Some authors asked how long the presentation their paper should be.
As an author of a full paper you will have about
20 minutes, including introduction by the session
chair and the following discussion.
- 20. May - We got four new sponsors. Take a look at the
Sponsors page to
find out more.
- 14. May - Several updates on the
Tourist Information page for participants of the CGI '98.
Check out !
- 08. May - Some people who registered electronicaly asked us why
they did not got a confirmation yet. The confirmation is
send to you by the next 7 days after your registration.
If you do not receive a response from us by that time, please
contact us via fax or email !
- 08. May - Several updates on the
Program page.
- 05. May - Due to recent abuse of our email system we were forced to
do some changes. It is no longer possible to address your emails to
"cgi98@<hostname>". This may cause some
problems in case you reply to an old email from us. Please use instead.
- 27. April - Several updates on the
Program page.
- 03. April - From now on you can find an all-time-up-to-date version
of the conference program on our
Program page.
- 16. March - The Registration page is
public now.
- 6. March - The Hotels page is
public now.
- Some authors wanted to know the maximum number of pages in the
final version: Please check the
the Papers page for
more detailed information.
- 16. February - there are still some accepted papers where the
authors did not send us the signed statement that one of them
will present it at the CGI '98 yet. Please send us this
statement per fax or snail mail as fast as possible!
Our Fax Number is: +49 511 762-2911. You can find our mail address
on the "Contact Us" page.
- In some cases the review process may not be finished by January 30th
since we received more papers than expected. Regrettably the notice of
acceptance for these papers can not be sent in time. Thank you for
your patience.
- 23. January - Sponsors
page is available now
- 6. January - we are in the middle of the review process
now. To get the latest information, please check the
Papers page.
- 12. November - important changes at the
Papers page - all authors
should check
- 30. September - new design of the
Welcome page
- 5. September - a public "link logo" can be downloaded now.
If you want to put a link to our WWW page, you may download
and use this picture:
- 2. September - the "Call For Papers" can be downloaded in a
postscript file. See
Papers for more
- 1. August - added some changes to the
Contact page.
- 28. Juli - removed the use of cookies.
- 25. Juli - the site is public
- 23. Juli - LaTeX style files for accepted papers can be
downloaded. See Papers for more
- 1. June - first JavaScripts running