Dr. rer. nat.
Dennis Allerkamp

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover

Institut für Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation
FG Graphische Datenverarbeitung

Welfengarten 1 • 30167 Hannover

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Dennis Allerkamp studied mathematics and computer science at the University of Hannover and wrote his diploma thesis on the computation of medial sets respective curved surfaces in Euclidean space. He received his diploma in mathematics (master's equivalent) in December 2004.

Since then he is working at the Division of Computer Graphics of the University of Hannover as a research assistant and Ph.D. candidate. Beside his commitment to theWelfenlab Competition 2005 and 2006 he was primarily involved in the HAPTEX project.


His re­se­arch in­te­rests are in the area of hap­tics, hu­man-com­pu­ter in­ter­faces, as well as me­di­al axis.


  • Ph.D. The­sis. Ge­ne­ra­ti­on of Sti­mu­li Sup­porting Tac­ti­le Per­cep­ti­on of Tex­ti­les in a VR Sys­tem. 2009.
  • Di­plo­ma The­sis. Com­pu­ta­ti­on of Me­di­al Sets Re­spec­tive Cur­ved Sur­faces in Eu­cli­de­an Space. (Ger­man) - 2004.
  • Se­mi­nar Paper. Ma­the­ma­ti­cal Fun­da­men­tals of Se­mi­or­tho­go­nal Wa­ve­lets for the Mo­de­ling of Sur­faces. (Ger­man) - 2002.

Su­per­vi­sed The­ses / Se­mi­nars

  • Ba­che­l­or­ar­beit Ent­wick­lung einer VR-Um­ge­bung zur Un­ter­su­chung der räum­li­chen Wahr­neh­mung von mul­ti­plen dy­na­mi­schen Ob­jek­tenFalk Garbsch - 01/2010
  • Se­mi­nar Con­vo­lu­ti­on Shadow Map­pingBjörn Bredt­hau­er - 01/2009
  • Mas­ter­ar­beit A Ge­ne­ra­li­zed Ar­chi­tec­tu­re for Hy­brid Tracking In­clu­ding Iner­ti­al Sen­sor Tech­no­lo­gyDa­nie­la Lauer - 07/2008
  • Stu­di­en­ar­beit Un­ter­su­chun­gen zur Vor­her­sa­ge mensch­li­cher Be­we­gun­gen.Rick Mo­ritz - 03/2008
  • Se­mi­nar Mo­del­ling, Si­mu­la­ti­on and Ren­de­ring of HairKars­ten Vogt - 12/2007
  • Mas­ter­ar­beit Ein ler­nen­des Sys­tem zur tak­ti­len Dar­stel­lung von Tex­ti­li­en.Se­bas­ti­an Preu­in - 08/2007
  • Ba­che­l­or­ar­beit Dar­stel­lung von fei­nen Hö­hen­pro­fi­len mit einem tak­ti­len Dis­playBran­ko Pet­ko­vic - 06/2007
  • Se­mi­nar Low-Cost Laser Range Scan­ner and Fast Sur­face Re­gis­tra­ti­on Ap­proach Yvon­ne Ber­nard - 04/2007
  • Ba­che­l­or­ar­beit Eine tak­ti­le Be­nut­zer­schnitt­stel­le für blin­de Com­pu­ter­nut­zer.Yasin Alake­se - 03/2007
  • Mas­ter­ar­beit Ein Sys­tem zur tak­ti­len Si­mu­la­ti­on ebe­ner Ober­flä­chenKarin Matz­ke - 11/2006
  • Stu­di­en­ar­beit Kon­struk­ti­on eines Ge­rä­tes zur Si­mu­la­ti­on von Ober­flä­chen­struk­tu­ren für den Ein­satz in VR-Um­ge­bun­genStef­fen Blume - 05/2006
  • Se­mi­nar Shape From ShadingChris­ti­an Ku­bitza - 05/2006
  • Mas­ter­ar­beit Ver­schie­de­ne Me­tho­den zur Ge­ne­rie­rung vir­tu­el­ler tak­ti­ler Ober­flä­chen­struk­tu­renTjard Köb­ber­ling - 01/2006
  • Se­mi­nar Pre­pa­ra­ti­on of mea­su­re­ments of fa­bric sur­face pro­per­ties for hap­tic si­mu­la­ti­onRi­chard Guercke - 04/2005


 Guido Bött­cher, Den­nis Al­ler­kamp, Da­ni­el Glöck­ner, Franz-Erich Wol­ter. Hap­tic Two-Fin­ger Con­tact With Tex­ti­les. The Vi­su­al Com­pu­ter, 24(10):911–922, 2008.